Thursday, March 11, 2004
Darwinism & Natural Selection in Action
What are the true consequences and implications of Darwinism and the "survival of the fittest?" Tragically, it was Hitler and Stalin - and others - who understood the logical implications.
"Sometime in April [of 1999] me and V will get revenge and will kick natural selection up a few notches."
- Columbine killer Eric Harris
G. K. Chesterton writes of these rational madmen in Orthodoxy.
“In civilized societies, the basic principle that killing is wrong has been accepted universally. But the 20th century recorded enormous massacres by the Communists - 20 million in the Soviet Union, 60 million in China, 2 million in North Korea, 2 million in Cambodia, 1 million in South Vietnam, and many more in other countries as well.”
- Nguyen Cao Quyen, a former judge in Vietnam, jailed for eleven years after the unification of Vietnam under the Communists